
发布时间:2017/04/09 来源:新葡的京集团35222vip





1999年 9月—2002年6月,中山大学工程力学专业硕士学位








结构动力学, 建筑与土木工程专业,硕士,2015级










1、L. X. Wang , X. Y. Li (李雪艳), Y. Tan and S. S. Law, Long-Term Health Monitoring of In-service Bridge Deck by Covariance of Covariance Matrix of Acceleration Responses, Advances in Structural Engineering, 18(12), 2129-2149, 2015.

2、Li X.Y. (李雪艳)and Wang L.X., Matrix of the Covariance of Unit Impulse Response Function for time-frequency damage detection and monitoring, 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN), Porto, Portugal, Jun 30-Jul 02, 2014, EURODYN-International Conference on Structural Dynamics, 2635-2641, 2014.

3、Wang, Lixin;Jiang, Hui;Zhao, Xianren;Li, Xueyan(李雪艳),Strong motion records of two suspension bridges in a M4.8 earthquake, Geotechnical Special Publication,n 240 GSP,p 145-156,2014,Advances in Soil Dynamics and Foundation Engineering - Selected Papers from the Proceedings of the 2014 Geo Shanghai International Congress

4、Xueyan Li(李雪艳), Lixin Wang, S.S. Law, Damage detection for structures under ambient vibration via covariance of covariance matrix and consistent regularization, Advances in Structural Engineering,Vol. 16 No. 1, pp 77-86,2013.

5、Law, SS, Zhu, XQ ; Tian, YJ; Li, XY(李雪艳); Wu, SQ, Statistical damage classification method based on wavelet packet analysis , STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS, Vol. 46, No. 4, pp: 459-486, 2013.

6、W. Zhao, J.K. Liu, X.Y. Li(李雪艳), Q.W. Yang and Y.Y. Chen, A Moving Kriging Interpolation Response Surface Method for Structural Reliability Analysis,CMES, vol.93, no.6, pp.469-488, 2013.

7、Law, S. S.; Lin, J. F.; Li, X. Y. (李雪艳),Structural Condition Assessment from White Noise Excitation and Covariance of Covariance Matrix AIAA JOURNAL,Vol. 50, No. 7 pp: 1503-1512 , 2012

8、Xueyan Li(李雪艳), S. S. Law , Lixin Wang,Health Monitoring of in-service Bridge Deck by Covariance of Covariance Matrix of acceleration, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 71-78, pp 4808-4814, 2011.

9、Li X.Y.(李雪艳), Law S.S., Matrix of the covariance of covariance of acceleration responses for damage detection from ambient vibration measurements, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 24, Issue 4, Pages 945-956, 2010.

10、X.Y. Li(李雪艳), S.S. Law, Adaptive Tikhonov regularization for damage detection based on nonlinear model updating, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 24(6), pp1646-1664,2010.

11、X.Y. Li(李雪艳), S.S. Law, Consistent Regularization for Damage Detection with Noise and Model Errors, AIAA JOURNAL, Vol. 48, No. 4, 777-787, 2010.

12、Law, S. S., Li, X. Y(李雪艳)., Lu, Z. R., Closure to “Structural Damage Detection from Wavelet Coefficient Sensitivity with Model Errors” by S. S. Law, X. Y. Li, and Z. R. Lu. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Feb2010, Vol. 136 Issue 2, p260-261, 2010.

13、X.Y. Li(李雪艳), S.S. Law Identification of structural damping in time domain, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 328, Issues 1-2, 27 November 2009, Pages 71-84.

14、Law, S.S. and Li, X.Y.(李雪艳)(2007). Wavelet-based sensitivity analysis of the Impulsive Response Function for Damage Detection. Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME. 74(2), 375-377.

15、Law, S.S., Li, X.Y.(李雪艳)and Lu, Z.R. (2006). Structural damage detection from wavelet coefficient sensitivity with model errors. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE.132(10), 1077-1087.

16、Law, S.S., Li, X.Y.(李雪艳), Zhu, X.Q, and Chan, S.L. (2005). Structural damage detection from wavelet packet sensitivity. Engineering Structures. 27(9), 1339-1348.

17、Li, X.Y.(李雪艳)and Law, S.S. (2008), Damage Identification of Structures Including System Uncertainties and Measurement Noise, AIAA Journal 46(1), 263-276.

18、Li, X.Y.(李雪艳)and Law, S.S. (2008), Condition assessment of structures under ambient white noise excitation, AIAA Journal 46(6), 1395-1404.

19、Li, X.Y.(李雪艳)and Law, S.S. (2008), Structural damage detection with statistical analysis from support excitation, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 22, 1793–1808.

20、Li X.Y.(李雪艳), Wang L.X., Damage detection for Structures under Ambient Vibration via Consistent Regularization, the 14th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference, Hong Kong, China, 5 to 8 December 2011.

21、Li, X.Y.(李雪艳)and Law, S.S., Condition Assessment of Bridges under Earthquake Loading, International Conference on Bridge Engineering, Hong Kong, 1-3, November, 2008 (full paper in CD-ROM).

22、Li, X.Y.(李雪艳)and Law, S.S., On-line Condition Assessment of Bridges under Ambient Excitations, IMAC XXV, Orlando, Florida, USA, 19-22, February, 2007, (full paper in CD-ROM).

23、Law, S.S. and Li, X.Y.(李雪艳), Damage Quantification of Structure under Operational Conditions. 12th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference, Sapporo, Japan, 6th-9th August, 2007.

24、Law, S.S. and Li, X.Y.(李雪艳), Wavelet Packet Sensitivity for Structural Damage Detection. International Conference on Computational Methods, ICCM, National University of Singapore, 2004, 15-17 December.